The Mission of the Cienega Elementary Community is to develop productive citizens through a rigorous and comprehensive academic curriculum and appropriate social/emotional guidance. Cienega provides a culture that builds a strong and collaborative relationship between parents, staff, and students.
Our school community will cultivate a positive, safe, and caring environment where all students are inspired to pursue academic excellence. The Cienega family works in partnership using the influence of diversity to promote mutual respect and improve teaching and learning.
Positive Behavior Expectations
Every student has the right to be educated in a safe, respectful and welcoming environment. Every educator has the right to teach in an atomosphere free from disruption and obstacles that impede learning. Cienega offers a safe and appropriate learning environment in which parent support and cooperation is a key element of our success. Standards and expectations for behavior are explained at various times throughout the year by your child's teacher and the administrative team. Students are expected to maintain our school-wide positive behavior expectations as detailed within this Handbook*.
*Parents are expected to review and discuss all sections of the Positive Behavior Expectations with their children and sign and return the attached form. Please keep this document handy for reference purposes.